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Snow Day

Howbert Elementary

Schedule and Guidelines

When it is not safe for schools to be in session because of inclement weather, District 11 will have remote learning days. Remote learning days will be announced in the following ways: D11 Loop e-mail, D11 App notification, and text messaging.

During remote learning days, all D11 students and staff are expected to log-in with their device (iPad/Chromebook) and engage in remote learning.


Remote learning will begin at 9:00. All students are to meet in their homeroom teacher’s Webex room. Teachers will have their Webex room link posted on their Schoology class page. (Webex links are also in the Staff Directory)

Morning attendance will be taken. All students in attendance will be marked present.

Synchronous instruction will begin after attendance is taken.

Asynchronous instruction will follow.


Lunch will be from 11:30-12:30. No class will be held during this time.


At 12:30 all students are to meet in their homeroom teacher’s Webex room.

Afternoon attendance will be taken. All students in attendance will be marked present.

Synchronous instruction will begin after attendance is taken.

Asynchronous instruction will follow.


Students should end all school learning activities (synchronous and asynchronous) by 2:50.

Students will attend PE, Music, or Art according to the schedule below. Students are to meet in the Specials teacher’s Webex room at the time indicated.


Specials Schedule


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade







Mrs. Dickey

Mrs. Hamilton

Mr. Miner

Mrs. Dickey

Mrs. Hamilton

Mr. Miner







Student Responsibilities

-Bring home their iPad/Chromebook, charger, and any other materials needed for remote learning days when directed by the school.
-Log into classroom Webex rooms following the remote learning schedule. Webex links are found on the teacher’s Schoology class page.
-Complete required learning activities assigned by the teacher.

Other Information

-Students will be in synchronous instruction for only a portion of the day (20%). The remaining learning time will be asynchronous.
-Teacher contact information (including their Webex room) can be found on Howbert’s staff directory webpage. You may also find the information on the student’s Schoology class page.
-For technology issues, please visit the D11 Tech and Library Tips page. If this doesn't answer your question(s), you can contact Mrs. Schott ( or the Howbert front office (328-4200) for tech support.
-Student attendance will be based on attendance at the morning and afternoon synchronous meeting times (9:00 and 12:30).
-If a student does not have their device or has difficulty accessing the learning, please contact the Howbert front office (328-4200).
-If your student is ill and cannot complete the learning activities for the day, please contact the front office.